Czy ja już śpię czy jeszcze jestem świadomy? W pewnym momencie może zabraknąć takiej pewności. Granica między snem a jawą jest bardzo mglista i niewyraźna kiedy słucha się muzyki Summoning. Wtopienie w bajkę następuje już przy posępnym intrze, a potem dzieją się rzeczy niezwykłe i odległe, a przecież na wyciągnięcie ręki. Niby wszystko to już było, ale na swojej czwartej płycie „Stronghold” zespół przygotował i pewne niespodzianki.
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas został założony w 1993 roku przez Richarda Lederer'a, jego skład wzmocnił Michael Gregor (oboje tworzą Summoning), siostra Richarda Julia oraz Mora el Sammah.
Komentarze Phantom : Sir, Yes Sir !! This is my rifle, it is my life We are masters of our...
Attack : ostatnie sprawy organizacyjne dla dywizji Poznań... zbiórka z...
Phantom : Spoko Czoko ;) (motto by Foxy)
The first keyboard tracks, that later where used for Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
where created around 1993. this time richard was a bit sick of only
being able to make music in a band and discovered the great new
possibilities keyboard music offers. he was finally able to create
complete instrumental track completely on his own. As Michael Gregor
(member of his other project "summoning") liked those tracks and also
had some good keyboard ideas (like the main tune of "Serpents Voice"
etc) they formed together "Die Verbannten Kinder Evas". Actually it was
michael who found this German line, that means "the banished children
of eve", which he found in a renaissance booklet while searching for
new lyrics for one of their songs. The name was not supposed to contain
some special message, it was just chosen because it suited well to the
mood of the music. Finally some of the lyrics where taken from
different poets, and others where written by Raymond Wells (the
mastermind of "Pazuzu"). Later richard got to know "Nora El Shammah"
who decided to do the female vocals together with Richard sister "julia
lederer" on the songs in oder to combine them with the clear vocals of
michael and richard. DVKE released two demos, all the songs from there
were later included in the debut album. Soon after the first one
Richard received a letter from swiss label "Witchhunt Recs". And the
contractwas signed soon.