Zmierzch Bogów
Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
Poezja :


From album "Iceage"
From the darkest sky you hear me call
Homo hominis dementia est
Human, victor of Earth, victim himself
Lost in all his strategic plans
Necator, paying his own cost
United Hates, dichotomic growth of Ego
And where's our dignity?
Where's positive energy?
To deny? To refuse?
From the absent heart you hear me claim
Per astra ad aspera
Nihil citius arescit quam rainforest
$toned for mankind' future dreams
Percussor's money for his good work
Where is the end? Fatherfucking religion - go!
And where's sympathy?
Where's maturity?
Where's independence?
Dulce est nomen pacis
Isn't an A-bomb sweeter?
 Isn't reality sweetest?
Tele/video an opium for heroes
64 bites ill, ill illusion
Does everyone know that errors
Aren't made by mistake?
Calcoolation to be supreme
Perditor, stop remembrance
Was done what had to be
Revenge equals suicide
Your brain is not the whole Universe
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