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Death_wolf (Anciliae)

Death_wolf darkplanet.pl Anciliae Death_wolf


Tworzenie muzyki, granie na instrumentach wszelkiego rodzaju, chodzenie po lasach, zwierzęta, przytulanie mojej dziewczyny...


Black Metal (szczególnie depressive), Pagan Metal, Viking Metal, Folk Metal, Dark Ambient, Muzyka Elektroniczna, Folk...


Dissection, Bathory, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Celtic Frost, Mayhem, Immortal, Darkthrone, 1349, Beherit, Marduk, Enslaved, Satyricon, Old Man's Child, Naglfar, Belphegor, Finntroll, Korpiklaani, In-Extremo, Graveworm, Anaal Nathrakh Zyklon, Graveland, Emperor, Arcturus, Cannibal Corpse, Akercocke, Summoning, Nile, Darzamat, Anorexia Nervosa, Ajattara, Crebain, Mgła, Ulver, Ensiferum, Von, Slavland, Xasthur, Draugar, Watain, Leviathan, Infernal War, Falkenbach, Thyrane, Bal-Sagoth, Throneum, Vinterthrone, Drudkh, Velvet Cacoon, Nargaroth, Eisregen, Shining, Judas Iscariot, Veles, Vesania, Deathspell Omega, Satanic Warmaster, Thunderbolt, Xantotol, Lucifugum, Besatt, Inquisitor (LITEWSKI), Taake, Nocte Obducta, Nazgul, Trayjen, Massemord, Unholy Plague, Stormbringer, Sghor, Isengard, Arkona, Imperium Frost, Impaled Nazarene, Tenebrosus, Gallhammer, Born Of Sin, Dark Elf, Lurker Of Chalice, Christ Agony, Kalot Enbolot, Sangre, Hellveto, Peste Noir, Horn Of Dagoth, Limbonic Art, Belfegor, Krohm, Necromantia, Sil Veth, Luna Ad Noctum, Berserk, Marnamai, Vaettir, Barathrum, Ásmegin, Urskumug, ThorncrafT, Carpathian Forest, Nightbringer, Black Witchery, Radigost, Sortsind, Thyrfing, Goatwhore, Craft, Urfaust, Borknagar, Asgaroth, The Kovenant, Kältetod, Veil, Sombres Forêts, Regnum, Nyktalgia, Diaboli, Abyssic Hate, Life Neglected i wieeele wieeele więcej...


"Trust only yourself"

Płeć: Mężczyzna
miasto: Rybnik
Zajęcie: Uczeń
Dołączył: 2008-02-21

Ranking: 60

Punkty: 60

Posty: 0