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Teksty :

Thy Majestie - The Scream Of Taillefer

Duces instruxerunt copias in acie

Impetus et timor mentis militium perturbaverunt

Among the lines of the arrayments

They could feel a strange call of death

Et fervor pugnandi minuit

Wait and dread prevailed over the calm

"Leave your hopes beyond the horizon.

You will fight only to survive.

Raise your steels and pride!"

Harold said before the last command

Tragic hail. Innocent blood in vain

Soldiers drew up in battle order

How many are going to die?

William inciting his warriors said:

"My brave, we fight for the glory and the lands"

The bray of the horns giving the charge

Re-echos through this valley of the damned

Soldiers dashin' assault face to face

Sweat and blood are shed everywhere

Red dragon waves on the top of the hill

As the battle goes on with a blaze made of steel

"My valiant men: Go and fight!"

Sir William roared to the archers and knights

Clashing of sword and mighty strokes

Of maces resound on the battlefield

Around a spreading of blood

There's no road for retreat into this storm

So fight on and on!

Scream of Thaillefer

Strong like a thunder

Great Lord of war take

Bless our souls

Grant the blades of these men'swords

a grand day of blood

Scream of Taillefer

Against the shield wall

Hundreds of steel warriors

Fighting for thy kingdom

They are winged by a fierce call to

run through the enemy's wall

Virtus et magna audacia splendebunt

In excelsis caeli memoria

Semper gloria sit

In excelsis semper sit gloria, domine

Non confundar in aeternum

Salvum fac nos


"Triumph will gladden your hearts!"


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