AbrimaaL - Vadera Lupa. Z albumu "Basic Extinct", luty 2001
VADERA LUPANow Winter winds carry me
To the land that does exist
To the Kingdom of Dalegor
Where mrok and grom reign
Larches once green won't be until Spring
Naked they stand and the birds don't sing
Mróz in my lungs enables me to sing
Bór is dark though Luna shines for me
Wintry groza, wicher i lód
In this land alone with my life
In the kingdom of Czernoboh
Wataha runs through the Night
Oaks and birks not soon will be green
And never comes here the real Spring
In the kingdom of Perun burza will rage
The Sunlight won't melt the eternal ice
In this realm I, wilk
Will dance with my female
The stars in the sky
Will sing a sad aria