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For My Pain - Joutsenlaulu(English)Swansong

Again I see the children dancing in the yard

under your window playing their games

and again you stay at your place, standing at your place

You fly beneath the years

Those memories overwhelm you day by day

The swansong looks for a singer again, looks for a singer again

Those moments from birth till eternity, are reflected to my eyelids

you may make others believe in god, other's in satan, or anyhting else between

but not in this world we live in

You once found it

that love worth half of a century

It was easy for you to be happy, for you to be happy

What do you do now with your senses?

when the birds have flown out of their nests

Only yellow photoes remain, if you live again, and again

You may not need my pity, it may not make the pain go away

That agony writes this song, that agony catches anyone

that agony embraces

I see your mask of pain, you let it breathe for 5 years

The swansong makes you weep then, made you cry

I would like to be like it was that day, when you were dressed in a white gown

It has been left under the feet of time just like you


I would like to try and be left on top of the water

when the river floods over it's boundaries, over it's boundaries

Those women in th supermarkets with their trolleys and the men in their regular bars

probably dream of the fountains of youth, I guess it eases the pain, but whatever

Again a moment closer to death, the pain never subsides

that agony makes this song, catches me

catches anyone,that agony catches anyone
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