Zmierzch Bogów
Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
Poezja :

''Dying in lifes arms''

In my heart inscribed your name
Like on unconseareted headstone.
From every letter blood flows down,
Every line causes pain

Only you
You doubt in my love
You play down me
I know
That you love me too
But you’ve afraid
According to you- I’m a child,
Incapable to think.
Left to myself,
I must fight with nightmares
Of my own love

so when I cry about us
About the words, that never existed
About the smiles, that I will
Never see, my heart turns
To a cloud of smoke.

The last thing in my life, which
I would like to see is
Your face, which I love,
Which I dream about everytime.
To be with you ‘til the end,
The end of world, life, me.
I gave you my heart,
I live only for you.
I stop existed….

When I’ll be dying, will you take me
In your arms, held me tight? Will I be dying?
Hope : Ejmen Aphar ;) A jak Cię to nie interere co piszę to nie czytaj ;...
Hope : No i co z tego? A ja mam ochote wypowiedzieć swoje zdanie na temat Twoje...
Ash_Wednesday : nie, ale pewne tematy uznaje juz za skonczone i wkurza mnie roztrzasanie ich n...
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