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Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
Teksty :

Clannad - Bridge A

Time came around, and I was in need

You came by my side, all my troubles to ease

You collected my heart, healing the past

Youll never lay down (? ? ? ? ) and I can count on you

We all speak well of a bridge that carries us over

...over safe

The art of compromise has surely been our greatest strength

...our greatest strength.

When someone pretends, to circle your firends

And finds hes(? ? ? ? ) betraying you fore it all ends

A bittersweet chain, thatll always remain

So dont let illusions get the better of you

We all speak well of a bridge that carries us over

...over safe

The art of compromise has surely been our greatest strength

...our greatest strength.

Love is to share, where words cant compare

Love is desire, so full of fire

We all speak well of a bridge that carries us over

...over safe

The art of compromise has surely been our greatest strength

...our greatest strength.

We all speak well of a bridge that carries us over

...over safe

The art of compromise has surely been our greatest strength

...our greatest strength.
minawi : Zamykam temat, forum do nowej edycji SMOg'a tutaj: http://www.darkplanet....
Rino : A ja mam ZJAZD ZJAZD ZJAZD do saaamego wieczora... :D
gebbeth : na plakat mam już pomysł (:
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