Rock gotycki * cold wave * postpunk * dark electro * dark wave * industrial * gothic metal * itp
THE CURE *THE SISTERS OF MERCY * Fields of The Nephilim * Garden of Delight * The Mission * Joy Division * Bauhaus * Clan of Xymox * Stary Depeche Mode * Pink Floyd *U2 do Achtung Baby * The Cult * Legendary Pink Dots * Cassandra Complex * Love Like Blood * Lacrimosa *Cocteau Twins * Dead Can Dance *Siouxis and the Banshees * Nine Inch Nails * Killing Joke * Nick Cave * Girls Under Glass * Xmal Deutchland * Cranes * * London After Midnight * New Model Army * XIII Stoleti * Rosseta Stone * Nosferatu * Elusive * IKON * Dreadfull Shadows * The House Of Usher * The Merry Thoughst * Star Industry * NFD * Malaise * Still Patient * Golden Apes *Paralysed Age * And Also The Trees * Merciful Nuns * Tiamat * The 69 Eyes * Type o Negative * Katatonia, Theatres Des Vampires * Anathema * Umbra Et Imago * Diary of Dreams * Hocico * VNV Nation * Deine Lakaien * Amduscia * Covenant * Front Line Assembly * Skinny Puppy * Colony 5 * Closterkeller * Artrosis * Beauty of Gemina * Agonoize * Pscylion Nine * * Deathstars * Gothminister * Abraxas * Eloy * The Frozen Autumn i wiele innch, długo by wymieniac.Aha Niecierpie black, death metalu oraz popu mtv lub viva disco polo:(. kiedyś Smashing Pumpkins * Metallica, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Tool, Rage Against The Machin, Red Hot Chili Pepers, Faith No More nieraz wracam do tej muzy, ale rzadko itp
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