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Dark Storm Festival 2010

Dark Storm Festival, line up:
Für das Dark Storm Festival 2010 sind 10 Bands bestätigt:
And One, Blutengel, Diary of Dreams, End of Green, In Strict Confidence, Leaether Strip, Rabia Sords, Saltatio Mortis, This Morn` Omina, Welle Erdball
weitere Bands in Vorbereitung...
Fehlen Bands? Dann Bands melden!

Mehr zu Dark Storm Festival 2010 - 25. Dezember, 10 Bands, Tickets 35€ bei www.festivalhopper.de

And One - www.andone.de
Bluetengel - www.blutengel.de
Diary of Dreams - www.diaryofdreams.de
End of Green - www.endofgreen.de
In Strict Confidence - www.myspace.com/instrictconfidence
Leather Strip -www.myspace.com/leaetherstrip
Rabia Sords - www.myspace.com/rabiasorda
Saltatio Mortis - www.myspace.com/mittelalterpunk
This Morn'Omina - www.myspace.com/thismornomina
Welle Erdball - www.myspace.com/funkbereit

More Info:http://www.myspace.com/darkstormfestival lub http://www.darkstorm-festival.de

Dark Storm is situated at Stadthalle Chemnitz, Großer Saal CHEMNITZ Theaterstrasse 3, 09111 CHEMNITZ



Godzina: 17:00

Miasto : Chemnitz

Lokal : Stadthalle

Kategoria : Festival

Dark Storm Festival 2010 Dark Storm Festival, line up:
Für das Dark Storm Festival 2010 sind 10 Bands bestätigt:
And One, Blutengel, Diary of Dreams, End of Green, In Strict Confidence, Leaether Strip, Rabia Sords, Saltatio Mortis, This Morn` Omina, Welle Erdball
weitere Bands in Vorbereitung...
Fehlen Bands? Dann Bands melden!

Mehr zu Dark Storm Festival 2010 - 25. Dezember, 10 Bands, Tickets 35€ bei www.festivalhopper.de

And One - www.andone.de
Bluetengel - www.blutengel.de
Diary of Dreams - www.diaryofdreams.de
End of Green - www.endofgreen.de
In Strict Confidence - www.myspace.com/instrictconfidence
Leather Strip -www.myspace.com/leaetherstrip
Rabia Sords - www.myspace.com/rabiasorda
Saltatio Mortis - www.myspace.com/mittelalterpunk
This Morn'Omina - www.myspace.com/thismornomina
Welle Erdball - www.myspace.com/funkbereit

More Info:http://www.myspace.com/darkstormfestival lub http://www.darkstorm-festival.de

Dark Storm is situated at Stadthalle Chemnitz, Großer Saal CHEMNITZ Theaterstrasse 3, 09111 CHEMNITZ