Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
Zmierzch Bogów
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Current 93 - Current 93 A Song For Douglas After He's Dead Rebirth

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Current 93 - A Song For Douglas After He's Dead

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Dream Theater - Afterlife

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Kamelot - The Mourning After

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Kamelot - The Mourning After (Carry On)

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Radiohead - You Never Wash Up After Yourself

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Faith No More - The Morning After 341

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Faith No More - The Morning After

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Faith No More - The Morning After (3:41)

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Kreator - Europe After The Rain

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Kreator - After The Attack

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Negative - After All

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London After Midnight - Where Good Girls Go To Die

HardKill : A ktosik oprócz mnie, wybiera się jeszcze na ten cudny koncercik...? ;)
HardKill : Dodam że organizatorami koncertu są : Izabela Kuna i Cezary Szczepaniak....
Teksty :

London After Midnight - YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE

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London After Midnight - The Christmas Song

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London After Midnight - THIS PARADISE

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London After Midnight - Untitled

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London After Midnight - Spider And The Fly (Acoustic Tangle Web Mix)

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London After Midnight - The Black Cat

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London After Midnight - The Bondage Song

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